Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tinman Artworks - Oil and Pastel

Artist: Sheila Evans
From: Spokane
Bio: Sheila is a full-time artist, who spends the off-seasons travelling shows from the Northwest to Midwest, where she also sells her own works. For the last three decades Sheila has been painting in oil and pastel. Plans have been made to open a brewery in the art studio she currently resides in, bringing drinks and self-expression together with a partnered business the Iron Goat Brewery. Sheila has also won several art awards, which includes: Best of Drawing awards (Sun Valley Center Arts and Crafts Festival), and a Creativity Award from Pastel Salon International (St. Aulaye, France).


The event I attended was a display at the Tinman Art Gallery in the Garland district. The Tinman is a small building located a few blocks away from the Milk Bottle and Garland Movie Theatre. New art shows are started every month, in the locally owned establishment. The pieces displayed are from local artists, keeping a "it's from here, let's support here" feeling. Keeping art displayed local helps thrive local communities and allows citizens to take pride in where they are from, building morale and respect among community members

Sheila's work is down with emphasis on living and organic items. Feeling these standout more and appear more interesting than fresh and thriving life. The pieces shown are leaves of varying kinds, colours and shapes. They are all shown in a drooping or falling state. With heavy emphasis on a "end of life" tone. The pieces are well drawn seem as if you could pluck the picture from the frame and feel the leaf crinkle and crush between your fingertips.

The piece I chose is the picture above. The leaves portrayed remind me of those I used to pull from trees when I was younger. The smooth to cracking texture gave a sense of autumn leading into winter. The sounds of leaves crunching beneath my feet are brought back full force just by observing this artwork. Pastel and oil are two mediums I enjoy the most. For myself I feel combined they created the most realistic pictures, allowing one to become sucked into a piece and feeling as if they have become a part of a display, and not just a viewer looking over work. The piece is well done, and uses a wide assortment of colours that helps breathe life into the leaves shown.

I wonder what it is that draws us to a piece or display. Is it a connection to something we are familiar with, or just an overcoming of emotions? While these seem to be the same idea, we can have an emotional reaction without any realization as to why. I am drawn to these pieces from memories of childhood. What draws you to favoured pieces?


The pictures shown are from the Tinman website as I was uncomfortable taking pictures in the gallery. I feel my camera would not represent the pieces in the intended way the artist had in mind and decided to go with approved pictures by the artist to better represent them.

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